Open Door Series: UNILAG To Host 4-Day International Conference as W...
Open Door Series: UNILAG To Host 4-Day International Conference as W... : On the 13th of July, Professor Wole Soyinka will turn 80 and the University of Lagos is hosting a 4-day conference in his honour... Th... Titled the ‘Soyinka Impulse’ and with the theme ‘Art, Humanity, Transitions and Permanence: Calibrating Soyinka @ 80’ the conference will hold from July 10th to July 14th 2014." Prof. Biodun Jeyifo of Harvard University will present the keynote lecture entitled: “WS and the Nigerian/African Left: Clarifications and Reflections on that ‘Jacobin’ Moment'" During the four-day conference, there will be five plenary sessions, each preceded by a keynote address by distinguished scholars: Professor Niyi Osundare (Nigeria); Professor Isidore Diala (Nigeria); Professor Motsa Zodwa (South Africa); Professor Anjali Gera Roy (India) and Dr James Gibbs (Britain). Also, an adaptation of Soyinka’s Trials of Brother Jero , titled 'Haba Pasto...